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I am delighted with this asset. It's just amazing and cute ❤️

Hope you bring new updates. Keep up your beautiful work. I loved this asset

thank you! I've actually been wanting to get back to working on my assets for the last couple of weeks! it's been hard to find the time to work on these, but I'm still excited about them, so I'm not going to just drop them.

It's really good to know that you plan to return. I'll be waiting for new updates!


these are super cute ! I dont have a project in mind for them yet but just wanted to let you know these are really well done. (you should sell them TBH)


thanks so much! my intention is to make them available for anyone, but I might sell some bonus content in the future



Sure I'd be grateful if you give me credit (not like it would cost anything) but that's up to you and the asset is basically free to use:)


These are great! I love the personality conveyed in these animations. If I wanted you to do another frog toad/ would you be interested in my comission? I need a toad king kind of guy for the swamp level I want to do.

Please email me at if this is appealing to you. I hope it is. Either way good work!

thanks so much! I've sent an email to you


Look at this dude!



Very nice!



JFK was killed by one of them

please don't spread misinformation, you might regret it